In Part 3 of this series, A.J. breaks down the detailed technique for creating several luminosity selections and saving them as channels in Photoshop.
Part 2 in the series on working with Luminosity selections & masks in Photoshop.
In this three part series A.J. demonstrates different techniques for working with Luminosity selections & masks in Photoshop.
If you’re a fan of my website, then you already know about my sister Lesli. To say she’s a superstar is an understatement. My sister is a force of nature, unbridled, and calling the shots since she was 12yrs old. She’s proof that Gary V isn’t the only person who’s been in tune with their DNA since childhood. If you live in Seattle than you might know her as the “Punk Rock Attorney”. That’s right, when she’s not rockin’ out the clubs on tour, she’s kickin’ ass in the courtroom.
People ask me all the time, “Why in the hell do you work so hard?” There’s your answer.
My sister recently appeared on MTV’s MADE where she helped transform a fresh highschool chick into a punk rocker. See the episode below.
Here’s Lesli Covering Depeche Mode
Lesli used to perform with the band Ms Led
Lesli with her current band The Redwood Plan
The Redwood Plan “Push” at Bumbershoot 2010
Students often ask, “How do I save changes to my photographs in Lightroom?” Learn how to write XMP changes to image files for use with other applications.