Firgs This Tequila Shot is For You

Habanero Tequila Shot
Bring it on…

DO NOT, under any circumstances, for money, power, a display of bravado or even that brief moment of insanity, do a shot of Habanero Tequila…

It’s not the fact that it’s hot, REALLY HOT, a wet-sloppy-tongue-kiss from Satan’s daughter, it’s the unexpected pain – excruciating stomach pain to be exact, like being trampled by a hundred gazelles and then “stopping the insanity” with Susan Powers and her own twisted variation of Tae Bo, and just for fun let’s do some stomach crunches while Mini-Me does that flying elbow drop 50 times – mix in the cold sweat that runs endlessly for three hours, flowing like the Niagra Falls and you might hesitate just a little…

of course, it’s done.

and I did it…


Yeah, that was a blog entry posted back in 1999, long before blogging was the everyman game it is today. I did the shot at Tommy’s Mexican Restaurant at 5929 Geary Blvd. in San Francisco. Still have that shot glass, still sweat when I look at it.
