Quick Adjustment Brush Tip in Lightroom – I Create Content #16

It’s Monday, and I’m back in the studio. I had a great time last week at both Photo Pro Summer School & the D2WC conference. Met a lot of great people, hungout with some kickass industry professionals.

Today I have a quick tip on using Lightroom’s Adjustment Brush. Check it out, and remember – RATE! COMMENT! SUBSCRIBE! *grin*

Using Snapshots vs Virtual Copies in Lightroom – I Create Content #15

Alrighty, it’s the first official day of D2WC and I’m looking forward to all the presentations that will be delivered throughout the day. I’m speaking tomorrow on InDesign Interactive Media, so today I’ll be on the show floor answering questions and helping out.

Wednesday’s video prompted the question, “When do I use Snapshots vs Virtual Copies?” Here is an answer delivered in today’s tutorial. Enjoy!