Picture Picture…

girlieDid I mention there are new pictures up in the photo gallery?

OK, I’m running off to class. You’re too late to put an entry in for Two Lies & One Truth, but that doesn’t mean you can’t place your best guess on other people’s stories.

Expect a rant about the Dixie Chicks – GO FREE SPEECH – later on tonight after their interview.

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  • Charles April 24, 2003   Reply →

    Good grief, man.

    Can you say “humina, humina!”?

  • ryan April 24, 2003   Reply →

    I am assuming you’ve seen the Entertainment Weekly cover for this week, featuring a nude Dixie Chicks?

  • Ryan April 24, 2003   Reply →

    I’ve seen E Weekly’s new cover, giving me a second reason to want to plug the DC’s mouths with my cock, first being they’re morons.

    The stock car there has one hella gay paintjob, but god day-um.. that girl in front!

  • Katie April 24, 2003   Reply →

    Half naked girls are so overrated, and you need to stop featuring them here. If not for Michael’s sake then for my own–I am developing a small breast complex. In other news, the plactic surgeons thank you. Heh.

    Quick: is there a DC interview tonight that I am unaware of. And at the risk of offending someone, I applaud them for speaking out.

  • Charles April 24, 2003   Reply →

    Katie–a few years back, a former employee of mine (who was also named Katie, as it happens) went off on a tirade about Jennifer Love Hewitt playing the young Audrey Hepburn in an awful TV movie; the cause of her fuming had nothing to do with Hewitt’s acting ability, but was instead primarily caused by the fact that she (Katie) was a HUGE Audrey Hepburn fan–and if there’s one thing Audrey Hepburn DIDN”T have, it was large breasts! She (Katie) openly admitted that, since she shared Ms. Hepburns’ “petite” stature, it horrified her to see an actress known for her, um, bountiful dimensions playing one of her personal role models.

    Having said all this, I still gotta play the piggy slobbering guy and say, once again…”humina, humina!” 🙂

  • Ryan April 24, 2003   Reply →

    KT – that chick doesn’t really have big breasts. Nobody mentioned them till you did. I’m sure if you photoshop-shaved her to look like a 10-yr-old boy, she’d still be hot.

    I’m not much of a breasts man though myself. I am more driven towards legs and faces. I think girls from A to D can be hot. Any higher in letters and your knocks need a downsizing.

  • jennyeah. April 24, 2003   Reply →

    mmmmm, the car.

  • Katie April 29, 2003   Reply →

    Okay, so maybe my own insecurities make me more inclined to notice the boobs, but whatever. And I have a great ass, so I’ll just flaunt that in an attempt to overcome my small boob complex. Yeah, look for me soon, walking backwards around town… in ass-less pants. Heh.

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