I need to clean out my IExplorer Favorites because I’ve added too many damn blogs. Here’s a list of random websites you should visit:
Acidman – I admire any man who has a bionic penis and writes about it.
This Chick – Props to Sarah whose website I came across while searching the MT forums this morning for answers on how to add the category ID to my blog entries. Thank you!
Bill Palmer, Mac Guy – Bill knows his Mac and he doesn’t lay the smack down when us PC folk badger him with questions.
Postcards at – The photos impressed me, but I was also motivated by the PHP gallery layout.
Brain Farts – OK, I dug the hipster layout, but Sean gets linked for the Options & Water Fountain story (HINT – snap a photo of the water fountain and post it on your blog). – Hey I found a cat blog… err cat gallery… err a pretty cool cat website. Mi gatos will be quite jealous. – Gets props for the online art. Anybody that actually can pull off a vector drawing gets a thumbs up for actually using the skills I have yet to acquire.
Someone Called James – I should have linked and worshiped James long ago when I lifted the correct syntax for a “New Window” checkbox from his site. My apologies for not having the genius to code my own shit.
Tales From The City – Because Homer Simpson quotes are funny and I wish MT could spice up my comments like Blogger. – I would have been Uber-Computer-Graphic man had there been cool computer classes when I was in school.
Two Muses – Added to my Favorites during that whole May Day Project thing as I thought their entry was very unique design-wise.
OK, that should do it. If I make the list too long you won’t get a chance to visit those links. Still plenty to do offline; anybody got friends in Dallas needing to hire a super groovy computer guy?
What’s NOT to admire about a guy with a bionic dick?
Damn. Looking at those links made me realise I need to go through mine and clear out some junk.
:: looks at the several links she has no idea as to why they are there :: ……
lmfao! Guy totally looks like a porn star.
Well talk about the small-world syndrome…
Step 1: Visit Bill Palmers’ website
Step 2: Visit his still-in-beta new site at
Step 3: Check out the in-progress Businesses Using Macs database (link at top of the new site)
Step 4: Note the Brainwrap link at the bottom of the page (I’m providing his hosting as well as having configured his database script for him) 🙂
How’s that for co-eenkie-deenkies?
“anybody got friends in Dallas needing to hire a super groovy computer guy?”
Damn, sorry, they only want a fairly mundane computer guy. Better luck next time, eh? 😉
LOL Roland….