Getting Flash On The iPhone

Yesterday, Adobe chief executive Shantanu Narayen said Flash has been successfully run on an iPhone emulator. This news may raise the hopes that Flash will show itself on the iPhone at some point, maybe even this year. The full story can be read in this Apple Insider article.

My one complaint about working on a Mac has been its less than stellar Flash performance. This is a common complaint, and many of the working Flash guys I know run Windows XP. Apple has complained for some time about the poor OS X performance, and I don’t know if Adobe will change their position. Flash is not the only product that is inferior on the Mac. Acrobat has more functionality (LiveCycle Designer), and features (3D support) under Windows than on OS X. The recent release of Acrobat 9 only furthers this gap.

While the Intel Macs have helped boost Apple’s position in the computer market, I think the bottom line is that Adobe will focus on the platform that delivers more dollars through the door. Corporate customers are more likely to be on a Windows computer. That demographic is the one that relies on the feature set of Acrobat.

Flash leaves me puzzled. I’m seeing a lot more designer/programmer types on Macs, in fact whenever I attend an Adobe related event, the speakers are on Macs. Perhaps the low percentage of Macs in the 3D space has something to do with the lower numbers & Adobe interest. Will be throwing out that question and more while I visit with Adobe here in San Jose.

UPDATE – Found an excellent article regarding Flash & the iPhone via Chris Pirillo.

DFWAUG Meets June 21st

June 21st will be the last meeting of the DFWAUG before summer break! Gene McCullagh will demonstrate Portrait Retouching Techniques using Photoshop CS3. Everyone likes to look better in photos, right? Make your friends and family happier with a few simple pixel modifications!

WIN A COPY OF THE CS3 PREMIUM SUITE! You don’t want to miss this raffle which includes not just one Adobe product, but a complete CS3 suite (Web Premium or Design Premium). Tickets will be $5.00 each or 5 tickets for $20.00. This giveaway doesn’t happen all the time, and you must be present to win.

DFWAUG meets on the third Saturday of each month from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at NerdBooks in Richardson.

NerdBooks is located at 1681 Firman Drive, Richardson, TX 75081. View a Google map of the location.

Dreamweaver, Fireworks, and Soundbooth Betas Available

If you want to stay on top of Adobe’s vision for new media, the best place to go is the Adobe Labs. There you’ll find the latest innovations, and next creations from the engineers that make creatives squeal like giddy school girls.

The Lightroom 2.0 beta was recently made available for download, and now bleeding edge creatives can checkout the next releases of Dreamweaver, Fireworks, and Soundbooth. These products, used for web development, web prototyping, and audio, allow you a sneak peek at the future of the Creative Suite, and a glimpse at the integration between products. Cross-media publishing should be on your brain, as new Adobe products continue to blur the lines between web & print products allowing a smoother exchange of files, and better workflow.

If the betas are any indication, the CS4 release looks to be the next stage in creative evolution.

UPDATE – IDUG Dallas Meeting is June 10th

The Dallas chapter of the InDesign Users Group will meet on Tuesday, June 10th at the Clampitt Paper Creative Center.

Your humble chapter leader will be delivering a presentation on using styles in InDesign CS3. We will discuss paragraph styles, character styles, object styles and I’ll mix in some next style techniques. If time allows we’ll even explore nested styles.

The meeting agenda is as follows:
11:00-11:15AM Socializing, Announcements, Eating
11:15-12:30PM InDesign CS3 Styles
12:30-12:45PM InDesign Questions
12:45-01:00PM Closing and Raffle

Be sure to register for the meeting online at our Dallas chapter homepage. I look forward to seeing members and new faces at the meeting.

May 17th – DFW Adobe User Meeting

I will be giving a demonstration of Illustrator CS3 at the May meeting of the DFWAUG user group. The meeting will be at the usual location Nerdbooks, and will be held on Saturday, May 17th.

Hope to see a decent turnout for the event. I generally get the call for the Photoshop or Lightroom gigs. It will be a nice change of pace to flex a little vector muscle, and see what folks are interested in.

If you haven’t registered for the DFWAUG newsletter be sure to goto their website now and sign up.