My Sister the Punk Rocker Coach on MTV’s MADE

If you’re a fan of my website, then you already know about my sister Lesli. To say she’s a superstar is an understatement. My sister is a force of nature, unbridled, and calling the shots since she was 12yrs old. She’s proof that Gary V isn’t the only person who’s been in tune with their DNA since childhood. If you live in Seattle than you might know her as the “Punk Rock Attorney”. That’s right, when she’s not rockin’ out the clubs on tour, she’s kickin’ ass in the courtroom.

People ask me all the time, “Why in the hell do you work so hard?” There’s your answer.

My sister recently appeared on MTV’s MADE where she helped transform a fresh highschool chick into a punk rocker. See the episode below.

Here’s Lesli Covering Depeche Mode

Lesli used to perform with the band Ms Led

Lesli with her current band The Redwood Plan

The Redwood Plan “Push” at Bumbershoot 2010

Snowpocalypse Dallas 2011

The Superbowl is nearly upon us, and it would seem fans of the Packers & Steelers brought the cold north with them to Dallas. We were treated with close to 7 inches of snow at our home, which my family enjoyed very much. If you’ve never seen a Mexican Snow Bunny, I have two cute ones running around in this video.


We All Wanna Be Big Rock Stars


Rumor has it yours truly was a musician at one point. Indeed, I was a keyboard player, and what I lacked in discipline I made up for with a small bit of talent. I had some early success, nice college scholarship, and at the age of 19 I was making more money than I could responsibly handle. I took some gigs, dropped out of school, and within six months I was in a car accident that abruptly put my music career on hold. When the dust settled, I was left without a degree, and no plan outside of music.

It’s been years since that time in my life, but today’s Twittering mustered up a bit of nostalgia. Oh yeah, I wanted to be a rock `n roll hero growing up. Guitars ruled, but I could make any keyboard look cool. My good friend Ron shared his inspiration and some great music. Here are the songs he wrote and the jams I had a chance to play.
My favorites are marked in red.

She Reminds Me (up tempo)
© 2001 Ron Abraham
All Rights Reserved
Your Girlfriends Lied (rock)
© 1991 Ron Abraham
All Rights Reserved
Crybaby (rock)
Company (ballad)
Motormouth (rock)
Immigration Man (rock)
© 1989 Ron Abraham
All Rights Reserved
Too Much In Love (ballad)
Ipso Facto (ballad)
The Harbour (ballad)
Once In A Lifetime (mid tempo)
Granuloma / Borrowed Time (instrumental)
Antoinette (ballad)
Let Me Go (rock)
Eyes of Love (mid tempo)
Break Some Hearts (mid tempo)