DFW Events – Week of April 12th
Hello dear readers. A mid-day post to keep you updated on this week’s events happening in Dallas/Ft. Worth:
DPPA – Tuesday, April 14th at 6:30pm – Jerry Ward will be on hand to present, “Know your camera so you can be creative.”
Texas Glamour Club – Wednesday, April 15th at 7pm – Studio open house. Darryl invites all new members to come by and see where the magic happens.
DDPMG – Thursday, April 16th at 5pm (4 day trip) – Take a trip with Jen Copes & Co., to Fredericksburg, TX for a nature photography adventure. Cost $395
Texas Glamour Club – Friday, April 17th at 6pm – Evening photo shoot with Keilye Kennedey. Darryl & Jeremy will be on hand to assist new photographers. Cost $99
DDPMG – Saturday, April 18th at 6:15AM – Come see why this Tiger shoot is one of the club’s most popular events. This is an early morning event. Cost $50
DFWAUG – Saturday, April 18th at 11am – Action packed double-feature! See Captivate 4 & Lightroom 2! Yours truly will be on hand for some LR quicktips.
DDPMG – Saturday, April 18th at 11am – 17th Annual Grapevine Village Wine Trail. Cost $45
Texas Glamour Club – Sunday, April 19th at 1pm – Model currently TBA. Cost $99
DDPMG – Sunday, April 19th at 6:30pm – Arlington Camera will be giving a demonstration on camera sensor cleaning techniques.
Please feel free to contact me if you have future events planned, or if you would like me to add your usergroup to my community page.