Upcoming Adobe Webinars – Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to let you know about some great Adobe webinars coming up in the spring. Imagine having not one but FIVE Adobe professionals on hand to answer your questions. Learn some cool tips & tricks you can use right away in Photoshop, Illustrator & InDesign. I’ve been invited by Pariah Burke to join him and some of the best in the industry to give you a webinar unlike anything out there. Here’s a breakdown of the events:

The Photoshop 3×5 panel consists of Pariah Burke, April Clark, Shellie Hall & yours truly.

The InDesign 3×5 panel consists of Pariah Burke, April Clark, Bob Levine, Claudia McCue & myself.

The Illustrator 3×5 panel consists of Pariah Burke, Sandee Cohen, Von Glitschka, Sharon Steuer & Jean-Claude Tremblay

Early bird pricing is just $49 until March 15th. Regular ticket price is $99, and groups of five or more can receive a $20 discount on the regular ticket price. It’s easily the best deal for online training happening right now so go sign up for your favorites–Photoshop, Illustrator & InDesign–before the webinars sell out.

September – Lightroom & Photoshop Workshops

Good afternoon all!

Thanks to the DFWAUG & DFWUPA you can catch these discounted Lightroom & Photoshop workshops this month:

Sept 22ndLightroom Core Series (Part 1) – This three part series kicks off on Wednesday evening, and will run weekly until Oct 6th. Part 1 covers Importing Photos & the Library module, Part 2 is all about Developing your images, and Part 3 brings us home with how to output from Lightroom. Cost for each session is $39 advance or $49 at the door.

(RESCHEDULED to Oct 23rd) Sept 25thPhotoshop Beginners Workshop – This one day event has a ton of information for those that want to get started with Photoshop. Topics covered include Image Sizing for Print & Screen, Brushes-Menus-Layers, Output of Files and Basic Image Enhancement techniques. Cost is $79.

Photoshop Tip Tuesday – 07/13/2010

It’s time for another Tip Tuesday. Today I’ll be demonstrating how you can use Content Aware Scale to transform an image. This is extremely useful to photographers & designers that need to stretch or squash an image for a design or layout. Have a look:

If the embedded video doesn’t work, you can view the video directly on YouTube. Be sure to tag Kevin or I on Twitter with your Photoshop questions, watch for the hashtag #TipTues and join me for next week’s tip.

Lightroom 3 & Photoshop CS5 FREE Online Videos

Good afternoon all! It’s me, you’re humble Adobe Instructor back from the blogging break.

If you’re not already using my iPhone app then you may not be aware I’ve been posting videos for the latest Lightroom 3 & Photoshop CS5. Click over to the new Media Cats Learning Center or catch me unfiltered on YouTube for the latest video offerings. In the upcoming weeks I’ll be launching a new webinar series that will run twice a month. Watch for announcements on Facebook & Twitter.

That’s it for now. Enjoy the rest of your week.

I Need PSW Love

Alrighty. I had planned a much longer post hours ago, when I hadn’t started ALL the things I started that I just now finished, which has me up late/early instead of sleeping, which would be a good idea considering I have a Flash class in about 7 hours. With that in mind, let me get to the point – I need your help to get to Photoshop World. Now, I’m not talking about a fundraiser. Don’t want your money–but feel free to hire me for your training needs ;^) –no, what I need is your support in convincing the wonderful folks at NAPP that yours truly would be an awesome speaker. If you’ve ever taken a class from me, if you enjoy my Twitter Adobe tips, if my tutorials on LayersMagazine.com rock your socks off, then tell a friend, hug a stranger, write your Congressman, tell your Twitter peeps, shout it on Facebook, post on the NAPP forums–you want to see me deliver my first class at Photoshop World this October 2009.

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