Buy A Piece Of History

OK, so those that know me are aware that I don’t blindly recommend anything. I’ve got to be pretty damn impressed if I tell you see this comedian, watch these videos and buy these CDs dammit!!!

Well, I am here to endorse yet another product that I have no personal stake in – a blog compilation by Tony Pierce. I’m not a writer, quite frankly I don’t even read as much as I think I should, but I read Tony’s blog – EVERYDAY. I read Tony’s writings because it exercises my brain, because he entertains me, because sometimes I agree with what he says, sometimes I don’t, but regardless I can’t help but digest every syllable he spews out in manageable packets across the Internet.

So when Tony says he’s going to compile all those photo essays, commentary and interviews into offline reading material, I say that’s a book worth buying. Do yourself a favor, buy a copy while there’s still a discount and tell him A.J. sent ya.

Michelle & I Are Officially Engaged

Engagement ringShe asked how I knew…

So many images & feelings rushed through me that words alone could not suffice.

How could I explain the invitation I felt in the warmth of her smile… how I lost myself in the enchantment of her deep brown eyes?

Are words enough to describe the intimacy of a kiss or the anxious exuberance as we danced about in the dark?

She has provided me with strength in the virtue of her presence and I have surrendered at the anticipation of her caress.

Her spirit soars higher than the stars and Eternity is a lasting memory in her embrace.

Were I not but a man I would give her the world, as she has already captured my Heart.

She humbles me and yet my aspirations cling to so much more.

She embodies the Love of my yesterdays & tomorrows…

She asked how I knew…

I’m a very happy man right now. Details later…

Grrls Like Gamez

Why does Japan get all the fun? My sister’s the only grrl gamer I know, but it looks like the Trance Vibrator NSFW has the potential to bring couples together for a complete gaming experience. Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “workin’ your joystick”. I got the controls baby, she’s havin’ all the fun… LOL. Made me think of that Nintendo commercial people like so much.

Link provided by Lane McFadden.

I Am George Washington.

I snagged this link from Dawn Olsen (nope never personally conversed with her either) for some Wednesday morning entertainment.

Which Founding Father Are You?

Hmmm… guess I’m a sucker for those in need. Some people might try and take advantage of that.

Well, the elections weren’t much of a surprise. We’ll see how things shake out now that it’s GOP all the way. The most dramatic effect I feel will be the new judicial appointments. That’s going to have ramifications on pushing drug treatment vs. jail time for non-violent offenders and it will be a tough time for Pro-Choice advocates.

Nice Work Sarah!

OK, so I haven’t met Sarah nor have we exchanged quaint e-mail conversations, but I thought this piece was written MUCH better than anything I do here. Besides, I know a few MSU Alumni who might appreciate insight into current campus events. You can thank Tony for linking the story first. I just wanted to add to the compliments.