let’s beat this one to death…

Don’t be surprised if everyone in the blogosphere has something to say today about the weekend tragedy of the Shuttle Columbia. I had the news on this morning while I got ready for class and many reports are already surrounding what caused Saturday’s crash.

As with most investigations, there will be a lot of finger pointing – the government cut NASA’s budget too much, NASA didn’t do enough to ensure the safety of the crew – it seems part of the grieving process is having someone or something to blame.

This post by Dan sums up my mood at the moment. Let me point out that I don’t think the deaths of those astronauts are trivial, but I do feel that NASA has been uninspiring for quite some time.

I didn’t even know there was a shuttle landing happening on Saturday. I was in my car headed out of town. Unless you are an avid fan of the space program, I’d say the general public really wasn’t thinking about the landing either. It’s sad that the only notable events from NASA in my lifetime have been tragic.

Tragedy Over Texas – Shuttle Columbia

I guess nobody except Dawn blogs on the weekend. Michelle & I have been on the road since 7:30am this morning and we were almost out of Dallas when the Space Shuttle Columbia passed over the city.

It wouldn’t be until 9am that we would receive a call from Diana (Michelle’s sister) that NASA had lost all contact with the shuttle crew. At that time there was only speculation as to what might be happening. We did learn that this mission was notable in that the first Israeli astronaut was onboard.

We spent the next five hours listening to any AM radio station we could grab as we headed south on I-35 towards Corpus Christi. For hours, all reports were the same, contact had been lost with the shuttle & crew, first person sightings were being called in from Dallas/Fort Worth and debris had been found in east Texas specifically Nacogdoches, TX.

These are pictures that are available now. I would think that people have heard the news by now, but as this was a routine mission most of the nation probably spent the morning going about their daily routine.

The timing of this tragedy is unbelievable. Only days after the anniversary of the Challenger explosion. It will be interesting to see the impact on the space program and future funding.

As I clack away online, the TV’s on in the background. Our hearts & prayers go out to the families of the shuttle team.

Spiderman couldn’t have done it better…

frantic pic What are the chances you flip your Jeep five times and survive?

What are the chances you flip your Jeep five times, the top rips off, you get thrown 25 feet in the air and you survive?

What are the chances you flip your Jeep five times, the top rips off, you get thrown 25 feet in the air but manage to grab the overhead utility wires holding on for oh, say, another 20 minutes and YOU STILL SURVIVE?

That my friends is one lucky guy…

Who Would Pay For Airline Food?

Apparently America West thinks the demand for airline food is so high customers are willing to pay for it. I caught this story on TV before I headed out to class, seems the rate will be roughly $3 for cheese & crackers and up to $10 for a chicken plate.

Uhm… NO. Bad enough the costs in the terminal are outrageous ($4 for a Whopper at BK?). You can keep my inflight meal, in fact, why don’t they take $10 off the cost of my ticket if I choose NOT to eat on the flight.