Why efficiency can boost creativity.

AJ Wood Interview on NBC
Today kicks off the pre-con workshops for D2WC, and I joined Kevin Stohlmeyer for a quick interview with the local Kansas City NBC affiliate. Dallas/Fort Worth are you listening? Let’s get our creative community fired up!!!
As much as I enjoy being on the road, it will be great to get home to the family this weekend. Hope your day is rockin’!
Good morning everyone!
The conference season is upon us. Less than ten days away is the D2W Conference in Kansas City, MO scheduled July 14-16. This annual event has quickly become a sought after source of designer & developer workflow goodness. That being said, here are the Top Five Reasons to attend D2W:
- InDesign to iPad, Portfolios in WordPress, Get to Know JQuery – we’re only in the PreCon people and there’s still more kickass sessions coming.
- Photoshop workflow, Android apps in under 10 minutes, and I’m even giving a session on InDesign techniques.
- Networking as a social experiment. See what happens when people actually interact in real time with beer.
- Speakers. No, not the ones made by Marshall, the people who will be speaking at D2W. Some of the most entertaining creatives in our industry, e.g., Pariah Burke, Justin Seeley, Kevin Stohlmeyer, Rob Huddleston… and the infamous Tom Green.
- You’ll learn something. Aside, from meeting great people, watching some AWESOME presentations, the purpose is to leave a little bit smarter than when you arrived. That will happen at D2W.
Dee Sadler was kind enough to extend a discount code for loyal Adobe enthusiasts. Use adobeComm when registering to get a discount off the conference passes.
Happy Friday everyone!
For those that are wondering about this week’s Tip Tuesday, my apologies as I’m still having some hardware/tech issues. I’m working to resolve them as quickly as possible amongst my other daily duties. Don’t worry though, I managed to post a quick Lightroom 3 tuning guide over at TipSquirrel this morning.
Imagine my surprise when I sat down to catch up on GeekBeat.tv this morning, and I received a shout-out from Cali Lewis! I’m mentioned in the same breadth as Trey Ratcliff, which is a huge honor because HE is simply incredible. Thanks to all the folks who dropped in on the blog this week, and THANK YOU CALI! for including me in Episode #14 on Monday.
If you haven’t already registered, you need to checkout OpenCamp scheduled next month August 27-29. It will be the best open source developer/media conference of its kind anywhere, not just here in the metroplex. There’s something for everyone who creates web content. Seriously, just look at the list of speakers and you’ll agree it’s going to be the event of the summer.
I’m still coming down from the high that is Photoshop World. Truly, as an adult it has become my favorite holiday. This was my 6th visit to PSW, but the first time I’ve attended in the spring. It was fun to catch all the great performances BEFORE everyone has a chance to talk about it on Facebook & Twitter. The party’s a lot more exciting when you don’t know what’s coming.
I thoroughly enjoyed the time spent in Orlando, and it was great to meet so many Twitter & Facebook folks in person for the first time. Chatted with Adobe folks at the Tweetup, and celebrated my 40+ birthday during the NAPP forum party. I met the genius that is @ErikBernskiold, chatted with fab designer @Firgs, hung out with the likes of @Elorg, @EGower, @AprilAndrews & the infamous @Vanelli. Caught up with friends Dawn, Terry & Heather, had a chance to chat some with David Ziser and his lovely wife LaDawn. I have been through most of the classes at PSW, so I was really looking forward to seeing new presentations. Zack Arias DID NOT disappoint. Walked away humbled, and excited at the possibilities. Of course, you can’t go wrong watching Joe McNally, and I enjoyed catching RC talk about websites for photographers & Rod Harlan share his knowledge of social media. Missed Alan Hess Precon, but had a chance to catch his session, and chat with him after the After Party. Some amazing talent at PSW, met Michael Green at the NAPP forum party (he’s featured in the Westcott catalog don’t ya know), Joey Wright at BB Kings (designers who photograph have an edge), chance encounter with Sandy Foster (from Dallas) at the NAPP forum party the day before she won the Vinny–CONGRATS AGAIN!!!
People ask me why I attend over & over–how could you not want to be around the best in the world as often as possible? I can’t emphasize this enough Photoshop World is THE learning conference to attend if you are a creative. I’ve been to Imaging USA, MacWorld & other events. Other conferences serve as infomercials for their presenters & vendors. PSW is not only a fun place to network with other creatives, THIS conference provides classes that educate, inspire & motivate the artist in all of us.
In summary:
Scott Kelby tells you what you missed at Photoshop World.
Terry Reinert has some ideas on what to do now that Photoshop World is over.