I Need PSW Love
Alrighty. I had planned a much longer post hours ago, when I hadn’t started ALL the things I started that I just now finished, which has me up late/early instead of sleeping, which would be a good idea considering I have a Flash class in about 7 hours. With that in mind, let me get to the point – I need your help to get to Photoshop World. Now, I’m not talking about a fundraiser. Don’t want your money–but feel free to hire me for your training needs ;^) –no, what I need is your support in convincing the wonderful folks at NAPP that yours truly would be an awesome speaker. If you’ve ever taken a class from me, if you enjoy my Twitter Adobe tips, if my tutorials on LayersMagazine.com rock your socks off, then tell a friend, hug a stranger, write your Congressman, tell your Twitter peeps, shout it on Facebook, post on the NAPP forums–you want to see me deliver my first class at Photoshop World this October 2009.
I’m not an author, I’m not a celebrity, I don’t own a mansion or a yacht, but I have a deep-seated need to share my experience with others, and voracious addiction to teaching. You see, I was once like you, naive, alone, stuck on the Background Layer waiting to be unlocked, and it was only through sheer determination, Prozac & the endorsement I’ve yet to receive from Red Bull that I muddled my way through Adobe software. Chance encounters with Ben Willmore, Matt Kloskowski, Larry Becker & Scott Kelby have proven insightful and blunt with information. I’ve taken their advice, and I’ve spent the past six years building my credentials. Some say, “It’s not the destination, but the journey.”
I say a destination gives you a goal, a goal gives you focus, and focus brings about the purpose for that journey.
Help me achieve one of my goals. Help me get an invitation to teach at Photoshop World Fall 2009. Leave a comment with your support, and Digging this article would be appreciated.
Your Humble Adobe Wan.
Yes!! That would seriously rock! You’ve got my support for all the good that’ll do you!
Janines last blog post..Rebuilding RGB on [site]
AJ, I only know you from our first UG meeting but I was very impressed with your teaching ability. Hope to see you at photoshop world!
I don’t understand why someone with your skill sets and expertise hasn’t been asked yet. You have my support too!
mitzss last blog post..Understanding the dynamics of the brush tool. on [site]
You get my vote. Knowledgeable and humorous, a great combination.
TipSquirrels last blog post..Tuesday’s Fur Saving Top Tips on [site]
A new Tweet, Blog Post, and Forum Post on the way at your request! I am behind this 100%!
Hmmm… AJ, maybe you should be sure to attend Midnight Madness at PSW Vegas this year… If you can teach Photoshop ~there~ you will definitely turn heads!
Especially if you face “The Bucket of Uncertainty!” Firgs, back me up here! ;D
NAPP_Newss last blog post..PSW is YOUR Conference! Tell Us What You Thought. on [site]
That would be truly spectacular! I always look forward to one of your sessions! Whenever you present at the Dallas Fort Worth Adobe User Group I always get rave reviews from the members.
C’mon NAPP! We all want to hear A.J.
Gene McCullaghs last blog post..Just Add a Touch of Synonym! on [site]
That would be awesome!!! You have my vote.
Dawn @ My Home Sweet Homes last blog post..One2Believe: Noah’s Ark on [site]
Let’s Give A.J. a Hand!…
AJ is an awesome instructor. Photoshop World would be lucky to have him.