DFW Events – Week of May 3rd

Good afternoon all. Hope you’re weekend was stellar, and good things are going on today. Before we get to this week’s calendar wanted to remind you that I’d love your support during my quest to PSW. Thanks for all the positive feedback so far, and I’m ABSOLUTELY speechless from the folks who sent personal messages to the NAPP folks requesting my addition to the instructor list. I know the Lightroom/Photoshop list is full, and I would gladly deliver a kickass InDesign/Illustrator presentation.

Alrighty,  on to this week’s events happening in Dallas/Ft. Worth:

Texas Glamour Club – Tuesday, May 5th at 7pm – Catch Darryl & crew at Twin Peaks for some drinks, dinner & camera talk.

The Complete Photographer – Wednesday, May 6th at 7pm – this newly renamed meetup will be at the Allen Public Library for this month’s photo critique, “Flowers.”

NTPC – Thursday, May 7th at 7:30pm – the evening’s presentation will be on Photoshop CS3. Cost $10

Texas Glamour Club – Friday, May 8th at 6pm – Evening photo shoot with Ana. Darryl & Jeremy will be on hand to assist new photographers. Cost $99

DDPMG – Saturday, May 9th at 10AM – Scarborough Faire II. Come join the club as they partake in the medieval fun while shooting the event. Cost $20

Collin College – Saturday, May 9th at 1pm – the facility Courtyard location will be having an open house for folks interested in the campus offerings for digital photography.

Please feel free to contact me if you have future events planned, or if you would like me to add your usergroup to my community page.

Honored as Spotlight Instructor for CCCCD

Afternoon all.

Just a quickie post today, as I bounce between my office & customer sites. I wanted to share the news I received yesterday from Collin College. I have been included in their Instructor Spotlight for astounding educators! You can read the article on the Collin College website.

There’s plenty of other stuff I need to get posted up, just trying to find an uninterrupted moment to do so.

DFW Events – Week of April 12th

Hello dear readers. A mid-day post to keep you updated on this week’s events happening in Dallas/Ft. Worth:

DPPA – Tuesday, April 14th at 6:30pm – Jerry Ward will be on hand to present, “Know your camera so you can be creative.”

Texas Glamour Club – Wednesday, April 15th at 7pm – Studio open house. Darryl invites all new members to come by and see where the magic happens.

DDPMG – Thursday, April 16th at 5pm (4 day trip) – Take a trip with Jen Copes & Co., to Fredericksburg, TX for a nature photography adventure. Cost $395

Texas Glamour Club – Friday, April 17th at 6pm – Evening photo shoot with Keilye Kennedey. Darryl & Jeremy will be on hand to assist new photographers. Cost $99

DDPMG – Saturday, April 18th at 6:15AM – Come see why this Tiger shoot is one of the club’s most popular events. This is an early morning event. Cost $50

DFWAUG – Saturday, April 18th at 11am – Action packed double-feature! See Captivate 4 & Lightroom 2! Yours truly will be on hand for some LR quicktips.

DDPMG – Saturday, April 18th at 11am – 17th Annual Grapevine Village Wine Trail. Cost $45

Texas Glamour Club – Sunday, April 19th at 1pm – Model currently TBA. Cost $99

DDPMG – Sunday, April 19th at 6:30pm – Arlington Camera will be giving a demonstration on camera sensor cleaning techniques.

Please feel free to contact me if you have future events planned, or if you would like me to add your usergroup to my community page.

Are You Catchin’ My Tweets?

Good morning dear readers. Based on recent feedback via Twitter, I am updating my tweet schedule for the following topics:

Adobe Tips – Monday through Friday, I post Adobe software tips at 9am & again at 9pm. Products include, Photoshop, Lightroom, InDesign, Illustrator & the occasional Acrobat/Bridge tweet.

In the past, I have posted the same product over a week’s timeframe. The challenge has not only been tweeting worthwhile info, but dealing with the brevity of allotted characters. Moving forward I intend to do a different product each day, e.g., Photoshop on Monday, Lightroom on Tuesday, etc. New hashtag is #Tip12pm

Profound Thoughts at 8:52am – Inspired by @Landailyn, I try to kick off your morning with a bit of wit. Sometimes profound, sometimes mundane, I figure if I keep swinging for the fences I’ll hit a couple big ones. I recently added the #852am hashtag to these tweets, and I am using Twitter search to repost & tag older tweets.

If you have thoughts or suggestions hit me up on Twitter or leave a comment (or two).

I Need PSW Love

Alrighty. I had planned a much longer post hours ago, when I hadn’t started ALL the things I started that I just now finished, which has me up late/early instead of sleeping, which would be a good idea considering I have a Flash class in about 7 hours. With that in mind, let me get to the point – I need your help to get to Photoshop World. Now, I’m not talking about a fundraiser. Don’t want your money–but feel free to hire me for your training needs ;^) –no, what I need is your support in convincing the wonderful folks at NAPP that yours truly would be an awesome speaker. If you’ve ever taken a class from me, if you enjoy my Twitter Adobe tips, if my tutorials on LayersMagazine.com rock your socks off, then tell a friend, hug a stranger, write your Congressman, tell your Twitter peeps, shout it on Facebook, post on the NAPP forums–you want to see me deliver my first class at Photoshop World this October 2009.

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