My life sponsored by Namco…

We can’t escape it, Corporate America has taken hold of the people and it will not release its grasp until it has converted the masses. Converted into what you say? Hell if I know, I just anticipate needing a corporate sponsor for my wedding and endorsements if Michelle & I have kids in the future.

It seems the Direct Marketing industry struck a blow to the FTC’s Do Not Call list which was supposed to go into effect October 1st. The list (found at would allow citizens to opt out of the thousands of telemarketer calls made on a daily basis around the country. By registering on the list you would be allowed to file charges/complaints/etc against any marketer that bothered you once the list was in effect.

Thanks to intervention by the U.S. Court in Oklahoma City the list will not be activated on schedule.

I don’t know about the rest of you folks, but the only calls I receive on a landline are telemarketer calls. An average of 35 a day, I shit you not – 35 A DAY. Say what you want about having Caller ID, the point is at least once every 15 minutes my home phone rings. And after I get home from work, guaranteed there will be an answering machine full of “Hello… hello?” *click* or dialtones in five minute increments. I finally unplugged my home phone because it was too much of a hassle.

It’s an interesting dichotomy as advertisers & consumers need each other. I’m just of the opinion that in the interest of making the almighty dollar society at this point is becoming way too commercialized for my tastes. I understand the need to have billboards placed prominently throughout an arena, but does it really drive up sales by calling the stadium Bank One Ballpark? Is it really such a big deal to say “You’re watching the Rose Bowl sponsored in part by Taco Bell” as opposed to “Welcome to the Taco Bell Rose Bowl Championship”. Blech… every time I hear that or something similar I want to throw up. Public venues are essentially corporate franchises named or renamed. Hell, goto and I’d be willing to bet you’ll see Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre in multiple cities.

What’s in a name?

Apparently millions of dollars in ad revenue.

Maybe it’s the force fed approach that gets to me. The fact that it’s intrusive and companies are allowed to hoard demographic data as they see fit. I personally don’t want my time wasted with telemarketer calls. Especially on my cell phone. Uhm… excuse me, but now you expect me to pay for the minutes used while I tell you to stop calling me? I’m sure folks around the country (except during the Superbowl) step away from the TV when a commercial comes on and even more will embrace Tivo or other cable options because there’s less advertising. Don’t tell me I have to watch your commercials, I don’t have to watch and I don’t have to buy.

Take note Corporate America, the average consumer is inundated with your marketing crap via phone, fax, e-mail, snail-mail, TV, etc., on a daily basis. It’s starting to feel like The Truman Show so for the love of God maybe you can turn it down just a notch.

UPDATE 2:12PMNice to see I’m not the only one pissed off by this.

More RIAA talk…

Today I was reminded of the difference between a rant and a good argument. Tuesday & Wednesday I spouted off about the RIAA and this afternoon I caught a well thought out post over at Bitch Has Word. (Side Note – If you are not reading this blog you should be, it’s been on my link bar for a while now)

I can’t argue a lot of the points BHW made, but I did want to clarify my rantings. I agree from a legal standpoint file sharing is copyright infringement. I also agree the issue has become an issue because the Internet exponentially increases the accessibility and volume of pirated media.

Perhaps BHW is right, maybe most people don’t care about whether the RIAA is a greedy corporation or if they work in the artist’s best interests. Downloaders think “No harm, no foul” and when the pressure is finally put upon them they’ll either make the purchase or find something else to spend money on.

I know that thousands of people downloading my sister’s CD would directly impact her pocketbook. It’s only sold for $10-12, but the production costs were significantly higher than anything the RIAA would pay.

A co-worker made the point the other day that he believes in a free market economy and if you can make $20 million a picture as Jim Carrey can than more power to ya. Cause if it were a matter of trading places almost everybody would volunteer.

It’s mid afternoon and I have no idea where my point went. We can all agree the RIAA is very bad. I guess I’m frustrated because I see life as we know it becoming too commercialized. I see a growing distinction and larger gap between the Haves and the Have-nots. I want to believe that most people are decent folk and it’s easy to get caught up in the Robin Hood syndrome when it comes to taking on the RIAA. I still stand by the points I made earlier this week; they could pay a little more attention to what their customer actually want and improve on their products.

Of course, I also wonder if my site turned pay-per-view would any of you still come by?

A Day of rememberance

Having survived personal tragedy myself I know that eventually you get passed the mourning and go back to your routine. Letting go of the pain makes some people feel guilty, but just because the pain starts to fade doesn’t mean the memories have any less meaning.

Some people will have specific entries related to 9-11, compelling entries with more conviction, honest opinion & hope, others will respect the memory without comment and many will have moved on.

3,021 lives lost. We won’t forget, but we will continue to look to the future.

An Open Letter To the RIAA & film Industry

I caught several headlines on the CNN website about the RIAA and I have to ask the question “When are you guys going to get a clue?”

I won’t deny that piracy is a legitimate issue, but I think your actions past & present are only helping to proliferate the problem. Shaking down 12yr olds for $2k will only increase the animosity felt by consumers and you can copy protect CDs all you want that won’t boost your sales either.

Back in high school I remember my sister taught me the art of making mix tapes. (Any DJ will tell you the wrong song will clear the dance floor or completely ruin the vibe of a tape). With all the hoopla the RIAA is spinning I haven’t read too much on the opposing side about preserving fair use copyrights. I certainly don’t want entertainment media to become like software where if I own three computers Bill “You Will Be Assimilated” Gates says I have to license three copies of Windows XP for $100 a pop. If I’m forced to buy one CD for my house, and another copy for my car and a third copy for my Discman then I’ll jump on the peer-to-peer bandwagon. Because inevitably after purchasing a CD you may be inclined to make your own remixes. I know for long road trips I want to have an overall mix of Rock, Metal & Hip-Hop. Record companies don’t sign songwriters or musicians anymore, they churn out homogenized automatons programmed from piles of market research data. If fair use copyrights are going away and copy protection is the future, consumers will expect a full return policy for your crappy products.

I stand by what I said earlier, if other industries have to cut costs by downsizing employees and slashing wages how come the entertainment industry doesn’t tighten it’s belt a little? Since 2000 I’ve seen the average salary in the IT industry reduced by almost 30%. Maybe that’s why nobody’s buying your f#ckin’ CDs, middle-class two income families can barely get by. A lot of folks have seen their annual raises reduced or even put on hold because of the economy. I want to see Jim Carrey settle for $1 million dollars a film instead of $20 million. It would be nice to read an entertainment story where the cast of Friends had to take a $500k per episode pay cut due to budget constraints.

I don’t have any easy answers for you. If I did I’d charge you $20 million dollars then hold out for two months while I renegotiated a better rate.

Where’s Da Goddess’s ClueClub™ When You Need It?

I have always looked forward to the day that I would have kids. Not that I’m in any rush, but kids are definitely in the big picture. There are those moments of self-reflection where I wondered if I would make a good parent, wondered if I could bring a child into a world comprised of violence & hate.

I realized today that it’s not random acts of violence I have to worry about, it’s random acts of stupidity. It’s been over two years now that I’ve been reading about forgetful parents leaving their children in vehicles only to have them die from heat related trauma. My thought was “Stupid stupid parents, well that won’t be me.”

Now I have to worry about daycare workers. These needless deaths are absolutely unforgivable. God help the families that lose their children, but I’m no more informed on this phenomenon then I was back in 2001.

Anybody have a clue on why these things happen? Do you realize the last I heard they were adding alarm devices to vehicles to REMIND PEOPLE ABOUT THESE CHILDREN?