Concert Night In Austin!

If you’re wonderin’ where the Azarok crew will be tonight, well, that would be Austin! Tonight I’ll be poundin’ shots of whiskey with my sister Lesli AFTER her band Ms. Led kicks some punk rock butt at Emo’s.

Ladyfest has come to Texas and my sis finally decided she would venture south from Seattle and cross state lines. Should be a rockin’ show if her success in New York, Oregon & California are any indication.

So if by any chance you know somebody, who knows somebody, who might actually be in Austin tonight – SEND THEM TO EMO’s!!!

Ms. Led will hit the outdoor stage at 11:30PM.

Emo’s – Austin
603 Red River
Austin, TX
(512) 477-EMOS

Happy Birthday Lesli!!!

My sister, the grrl-rocker goddessToday is my sister’s birthday!!!

Seems like only yesterday my claim to fame was the title “BIG brother”. That was a serious gig when Lesli & I were growing up. I adored my little sister (still do) and I was her idol for those tentative kindergarten years. Of course things change, people grow, little sisters soon become independent and big brothers learn to accept change or we die a painful death from anxiety & stress (just kidding).

Ambitious doesn’t even begin to describe Lesli. If I set the standard she surpassed it long ago. She’s grown into a fiery young woman who manages to capture unique experiences first and set the trend for everyone else. The definitive musical prodigy, she is well versed in piano, guitar, bass & vocals.

In fact, she was four years old when she started buggin’ my piano teacher for lessons every Saturday. Lesli would sit through the entire lesson, interrupting, asking questions, tellin’ my teacher that she would be a MUCH better student.

Finally, as a deterrent Ms. Hunt suggested that if Lesli wait until she was older and could read, then maybe she’d talk to our father about piano lessons. Before my lesson was through, little sister found the biggest book we had in the house and started reading out of it. (Heh, a picture with Lesli and that GINORMOUS bible would be priceless)

Either way, Ms. Hunt could no longer refuse lessons and our father was quick to encourage her. Through the years Lesli’s ambition & discipline have pushed her to the limit as not only has she mastered her musical talents, but did I mention my genius of a sister graduated highschool at 15?!?!?!!!

Lesli continued on to complete a dual major in college then followed her dream to Seattle where she’s lived for several years now. When she’s not rocking the local venues with her band Ms. Led, she’s crackin’ the books at UW’s law school.

Whether it’s precise classical instrumentals or blitzkrieg punk vocals, Lesli’s image is not confined by her musical talents. You might say I’m her biggest fan. . .

Checkout Lesli’s website (where her stage name is “Roxy”) and wish her happy birthday for me!

Vote For My Sister!!!

My sister Lesli KICKS ASS DAMMIT!!!This goes out to all the folks hangin’ in Washington state. If you frequent the 206 area you need to get out and see my sister Lesli blastin’ vocals & guitar for the grrl rocker group Ms. Led. The group was recently nominated as one of the best punk/hardcore bands in Seattle. Help me help my sister get studio time and equipment for her band by voting for them online at the Seattle Weekly website.

Whether your off somewhere in the 509 or next door in the 425 & 253, I would appreciate any votes you can throw.

UPDATE JULY 29 – Thanks again to Roland who pointed out some of the file links were down. I have fixed that as of 6:02AM CST.

Another round of Christmas

Well, this Christmas has been excellent so far. There was a last minute change of plans so Michelle & I spent the weekend with my parents and caught up with my sister Lesli & her friend Matt who were in town from Seattle. Lesli & Matt had to fly home today so we had an early celebration.

It was a relaxing weekend which left everyone stuffed from my mother?s AMAZING culinary skills. Highlights from the weekend included watching Dallas lose to Philadelphia (a third string quarterback no less and why aren’t they playing Emmitt more?) and we watched The Lord of The Rings “Fellowship of the Ring” on VHS with Spanish subtitles. Apparently Matt missed the VERY TINY print on the side of the box when he bought this gift for my folks.

It was great to see Lesli as Christmas is really the only planned get-together we have each year. My sister is now attending law school and I?m sure it?s just a matter of time before she dives head first into politics. Her band Ms. Led is also doing incredibly well having just released their third CD Afternoon In Central Park this month.

Michelle was anticipating her first White Christmas, but so far the weather has been mild. Fortunately, my parents live in the northern part of the state so we did get to see some beautiful country-side, but no snow angels, or snowball fights just yet. I took a bunch of pictures of black squirrels, doves and other wildlife all gathering behind my parent?s house. Will post the new photos when Michelle & I return home.

It was just too much of a hassle to change out our flight so Michelle & I are in town until Thursday. With the family weekend over, we decided to crash at Ron?s place and try and see our friends here in the metro area. Should be fun as we get to do another round of gift-giving.

Of course, we want to hurry home as there?s a madpony gift & two copies of Tony?s new book waiting for us.